#6 Nnobi Street

The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of them all-Walt Disney Company, Mulan


The number did not mean much
The house was not much itself
A bungalow of ten rooms
Five on each side of the poorly lit hallway
Cold rough cement floors
Someone forgot to make smooth
One bathroom and one toilet
Was all it held within its modest compound
The paint peeled and peeled in many places
Smudges of grit, grime, and neglect
shone in too many places
The walls desperately begged for a new shine
A fresh coat of paint
But no one cared
So #6 stuck out like a sore thumb
The stone the builders rejected

On each side of the fence
Were its wealthier neighbors
Those unaffected by the ravages of war
A townhouse to its left
A block of four apartments to the right
Yet house number 6 Nnobi stood taller
Than them all
For you see, within her bowels
It had given refuge to victims of a war
Succor for many who needed a landing strip
Before they could reclaim what was theirs
Ten families in all, as I can remember
All from east of the river Niger
Struggling to get their lives back on track
Browbeaten by a 30-month civil war
The year was late 1970 to 1971
And I was eager to start my future

I do not know its former tenants
Or why the present ones sort refuge at #6 
In this city
This metropolis called Lagos
Named after another in distant Portugal
Where these tenants
Warriors of a lost cause had once stood tall
And lived in better bigger apartments
And owned their own houses
Then the war happened
 And they became
The wretched of the earth
A people scorned and despised
For daring to speak up
And fighting for it
Many oceans away
My mind takes a trip
Rummaging the past
And Pays tribute to
#6 Nnobi Street, Ikate, Surulere


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