Her Eyes Saw The Rain

Twirling, spinning, bright eyes
raucous laughter and squeals
sounds of joy, of today and tomorrow
I'm dancing in the rain
the salty water
goes from my eyes
and streams down my cheeks
I wipe my cheeks 
with the back of my hand
shrill laughter pierce
the silent mid-day
this early July

I stop for a second
as we hold hands and do a dance
just like mama taught me
laughing loudly, harder
at the top of our lungs
her eyes twinkling
a mirror image of mine
this is Ony
my daughter
The daughter I fought for
The one who came to me.


She looked out of her window
as raindrops danced in
 dizzy horizontal streams
on a broken window pane
mirroring the tears in her eyes
Outside is the noise of laughter
and shrieking playful sounds of children
taunting her to come out and play
But she cannot
She would not
She sees them but only with her ears
She hears the rain but cannot see or feel it
she has lived in this dark world
for too many years
since that day at the hospital

The Rain

It starts
then stops
And returns
Always with a promise
the sound drumming 
on the corrugated iron sheets
A tune she remembers too well
but she must stay inside
so, she does not slip and  fall
that's what she was told
she must not leave the house
for others will laugh at her sightless eyes.

The Children

The children
do not know our fears
neither our evil
they just want to be loved
but our insecurity
and anxiety we pass unto them
it is our burden
we lay on them
The children
they are malleable
like clay in a potter's hand


They say she came into the world
too soon
Ony the daughter
That I saved
Too much Oxygen
needed to give her life
took away her sight
Retinopathy of Prematurity
The doctors said
Then her first mother
went away into the sky
where no one can see


We danced in the rain
And giggled like a couple of 8-year old
She is 8 but I'm not
Today, she saw the rain through my eyes
And we twirled and spun
drenched in the tropical rain
On a tropical Island
Her eyes saw the rain


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