Because I love You

Love Pure as a lily 
is what I saved for you
Like a babbling brook
gurgling with life as it wades
over the rocks
delightful sounds  only for you
Young and defiant
Calling out your name
Love like the fires that burn 
the farmlands at harmattan
Is what I saved for you
Its ashes nourish the soil
Bringing forth new life
Your life mission will become mine
the principles you embrace
Will be my backbone
I will live for your struggle
Echoing your voice where it is silenced
And fighting your battles
Breaking the chains that hold you back

Because I love you
Your dreams are mine
The palpitating beat of your heart
echos in my chest
Your thoughts
known to me at their creation
I will walk your walk
Cherishing every footprint you make
My love, the rose will wither
And the fireplace goes cold
But the love 
I saved it for you
will burn eternally
in the deepest recesses of my soul
For it was lit by stars
And in the age
when the sun's rising was in your eyes
And will set only when the sun freezes


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