Color Me Empath
Ngozichi, Lagos, Nigeria, 2001 |
A heart of rusty gold
Thoughts pure with room for more
Intense, sensuous, and sensitive
passionate and compassionate
Kind, gentle but firm
Obedient laced with stubbornness
Free-spirited, yet meek
Walking through life on the
unassuming lane with a hint of naivety
But not slow to sponge up new knowledge
Humble yet full of pride
Unconventional and defiant
Wise but sometimes acts foolishly
She is not a saint
But her heart means well
If you knew her
If you have walked a day in this
killer stilettos of hers
Numbed toes
Corns and calluses
Yet a smile constantly plays a tune
on her trembling lips
If you could see her heart
You would know
She always means well
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