If you are Nigerian, or of Nigerian heritage, and have not heard of Peter Obi, you must be living under a rock in Siberia. No matter where you are, there is a movement sweeping across the most populous country in Africa. And it is called the "Obidient movement". The most interesting part of this movement is that it's championed and powered by young Nigerians, mostly Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z.  Many of who have been dealt the shortest end of the stick in this country. A country that is the 6th largest oil producer in the world, yet 100 million of its population live in poverty.

Since Nigeria's independence from Britain in 1960, the country has been plagued by successive bad leadership. It became a Republic in 1963. A Westminister-style democratic government lasted from 1963 to 1966 When it succumbed to military rule after a bloody coup d'etat. There was a second republic era of democracy between 1979-1983. That failed too, and a return to brutal military dictatorship yet again. A third republic was short-lived between 1992-1993. 

Military dictatorship continued until the fourth republic in 1999. And ever since poor management of resources and corruption has been the stock in trade of the political elite. The country's once vibrant institutions like education have been neglected and University teachers are often on strike, leaving frustrated young people and their parents to seek education elsewhere, sometimes in other African countries like Ghana. 

I remember when our education used to be one of the best on the continent. And many foreign students came to Nigeria for higher education. Our universities were truly ivory towers, that attracted the best brains from around the world. I remember in my freshman year, my Organic chemistry teacher was Ghanaian. My ocular anatomy professor was a Canadian and, Physiological optics was taught by an American. My human physiology professor was Greek, and another one was from Sri Lanka. All that is in the past.

Finally, on the political scene today, a politician with a track record for good governance, a rarity has presented himself to be the chief executive officer for Nigeria, the young people recognize this, and are drawn to him. They are saying enough of the corruption and mismanagement of our common resources, enough of the older generation who have run the country aground. The country needs visionary leaders with a sense of service, not a sense of entitlement on an ego/power trip. We want a break from the old, and seek a leader with fresh ideas that can unite a country that is often divided along ethnoreligious lines. 

For decades, Politicians have divided the masses along religious and tribal lines to suit their selfish gains. And it has worked for them. They pilfered resources that should be used to build roads, fund health, and education, reduce the abnormally high unemployment rate, and even provide social safety nets for the vulnerable in our society. A country with so much oil and natural gas, can not produce power to meet the needs of the populace and drive growth by entrepreneurship. A country where decadent consumption is almost like a competitive sport with little production. With the expanse of agricultural lands in the North, yet, cannot feed themselves.

Nigeria is one country where politicians are one of the highest earners in the world, and where our politicians send their children and grandchildren to school abroad. While the ordinary man's child in public school cannot get an education, because of incessant teacher strikes. When they get sick, they fly their family overseas, while our public hospitals are in dilapidated conditions. The doctors are poorly paid. Which leads to them emigrating abroad.

 Our best brains continue to migrate daily and the ruling class does not care. Our debts are astronomical and if care is not taken the country will soon default. The value of the Naira keeps sliding daily. Insecurity reigns everywhere, terrorists unleash mayhem and are never apprehended or prosecuted.

Many of us, are abroad not because we love living in foreign lands, but because the conditions at home are not conducive for us to come home and contribute to our quota.

Nigeria is in need of urgent rescue from the brink of destruction. It is time to try something new with a man, who has a track record for good governance, he was the governor of Anambra state, and he has been both in the public and private sectors. He is a man who mixes with the masses and flies economy on commercial flights. He is frugal and has bright ideas, a visionary. With his team of Sen. Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed who has just been nominated as Vice-Presidential candidate, I believe they can rescue our beloved homeland.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has one job to conduct a free and fair election and make every vote count. Nigeria has a history of vote manipulation and buying votes. There should be laws against vote selling and tapering.

Dear Nigerians, this is our chance to turn this beautiful country blessed with abundant human and natural resources into a nation we can be proud of. Internationally the country has a poor reputation, we can turn this around.

Vote wisely, vote for a credible team.

Power belongs to the people, and it's time we the people take that power back.

Let's be "Obidiently Yusful" and vote for the Labour party of Nigeria.

#PeterIsBetter #OBIDATTI #PeterObi #LabourParty #Yusuful #PaterAhmed


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