Prostitutes of God: India's Devadasi and Child Prostitution
"Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up. — James Belasco and Ralph Stayer
In all societies and cultures, there are traditions that were useful for the time, they were formulated, but with time, MUST evolve.
We no longer live in Medieval times, so certain practices must be abolished. Governments must prosecute those who break the laws
Whether it is the discriminatory Caste system Dalit- (untouchable).
Dalits and similar groups are found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. In addition, the Burakumin in Japan, Cagots and Roma in Europe, Al-Akhdam in Yemen, Baekjeong in Korea, and Midgan in Somalia are excluded from the surrounding community in much the same manner as the Dalit.
Or Slavery as still practiced in Mauritania, where white Moors (Arabs) have enslaved the Black Moors for generations.
Or Honor killings of women by Muslim and Hindu male relatives Female genital mutilation (circumcision) as practiced in parts of Africa
Or dedicating young girls to a goddess as in Devadasi who end up as prostitutes, as seen in this video.
Or Honor killings of women by Muslim and Hindu male relatives Female genital mutilation (circumcision) as practiced in parts of Africa
Or dedicating young girls to a goddess as in Devadasi who end up as prostitutes, as seen in this video.
All progressive minds must speak out and band together to institute a change.
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