Swirling: Inter-racial Dating/Marriage and A woman's Honor

I first came across the word "Swirling" as referring to inter-racial relationships in the movie "Something New" 2006
I was thoroughly amused, having been raised on the African continent, I had to learn a new culture/dynamics as concerns dating when I moved West of the Atlantic.

Things that matter so much here when choosing a partner were nonissues back home (well for the most part).
Then I found out, there is a whole book written about "Swirling" on Amazon titled

Swirling: How to Date, Mate, and Relate Mixing Race, Culture, and Creed by Christelyn D. Karazin, Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn 

Frankly, I am yet to read the book, but have penned it down, as another book to read.  Apparently, there seems to be a whole piece of literature out there on the subject like A Black Girls Guide to Dating White Men By Niki McElroy




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