What is your religion? Mine is None. Or perhaps, mine is humanity/nature Some definitions say "Religion is the belief and worship of a Supernatural being, a controlling power. A God of all Gods. There is a popular quote on religion by Karl Marx that has often been misrepresented. "Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature. The heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions." This is a translation from German in which it was written. And he was right, at the time he wrote this, opium a painkiller was a legal substance and it soothed the pain of the people. And if you look closely today, you find that the most religious countries are often poor countries, in economic pain, and oppressed. Religion soothes their pain and gives them a sigh of relief. But religion is also a personal style, a journey of sorts if you will. Quite often influenced by the culture of the people. I grew up in a Christian family, and for...