The Most Beautiful Flora Vaginas in The World

Happy New Year to you!

No new year resolutions for me. Except that I promise to improve my diet, and steer clear of red meat.
 You see I like to call myself 70% Vegan. But my friends tell me there is no such thing. You are either a vegan or not. Then another friend suggested that I might be a Seagan ( A vegan who likes Seafood)
I rarely eat meat but love seafood; The pink Salmon and shrimps are my guilty pleasure and while i pride myself in not eating dairy- yes! no cheese or milk and of course no eggs. I occasionally succumb to the temptation of chocolate ice cream. Then I discovered Tofutti Ice cream last November. And my world became complete!
It is Kosher Parve and does not contain milk products. And my favorite is the Vanilla Almond Bark.

By the second week of January however, I had broken the promise to avoid meat.
My favorite grocery store was out of Pink Salmon or any other fish I liked. I do not like the Kingfish and I had to make soup to start my healthy eating for 2014. So I bought a pound of New Zealand lamb Shoulders and make some delicious Egusi (Pumpkinseed) soup.
So  New resolutions are OUT!

However, there are other things I have promised myself. And by the end of the year, I will let you know if I accomplished them.
1. To improve on my swimming and probably do a Triathlon
2. Take up Photography or Charcoal painting
3 Maybe finally get around to publishing that elusive book, I have been postponing for years

So I saw these photographs taken by Herman Forsterling and some other photographers am yet to identify and they really inspired me.
Did I mention that I love Nature and she creates the most beautiful things?
Here are the Most Beautiful Vaginas in the world... Enjoy!

The images above are floral heaven


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