The Rain Is Good For Your Health

Rain on the image of the Eiffel tower

Have you been outside when it's raining and the first thing you notice, is everyone starts running for shelter? No one wants to get wet. Odd isn't it when we really should celebrate each rainfall and let it drench us. 

We are part of nature and the sun and rain are good for our skin. Too little Sun, and we become lacking in Vitamin D, a necessity for our health. Don't you see not having the rain on our skin or avoiding it could also be detrimental to our health? Every creature on earth needs the Sun and rain not only to survive but be truly healthy. And we are not an exception. So next time you are outdoors and it starts to rain, embrace it, let its beautiful drops fall on you. I always do.


Rains on this sub-tropical island

The heavens weep

and parts of Nassau get flooded

we are drenched

skin to skin 

but I love the rain

I love to play in the rain

Feel the wetness

soak into my skin

as it glisters from the shine

of O2 and hydrogen

I love to dance

in the rain

or play catch


Hide and seek

Will you play with me

in the rain

hold my hands

and race me

to the finish line


It's not my favorite day

But with the rains

I love it.

I make the best of the day

focus on the perks

of nature

the rain

the sun

the trees

the sea

where would we be without them

these are the gifts

of nature

free for all to enjoy


it's raining again

and it makes me love life

and the world

and you

please play with me

dance with me 

in the rain

and be kind to nature

without it

we are all doomed




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