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Santorini, Greece |
Kill your ego, or it will terminate you!
Lose your ego and bury it deep where the sun does not shine.
Our ego can be our kryptonite.
What really is ego? The ego is described as a person's sense of self-importance or self-worth. We all have egos, it defines who we are and how we connect with others. But when we think too much of ourselves it becomes overpowering and we begin to slide down a slippery slope, slipping on dangerous terrains which can become our downfall.
An uncontrolled ego has been known to be responsible for a lot of hurt in this world. Inclusive of all the wars going on in different parts of our beautiful earth. One would wonder if having an ego is a bad thing, probably not, but if we do not control it, it blows up in our faces.
In psychoanalysis, the ego is seen as the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious and responsible for our sense of personal identity. Many of us are egoistic and this can lead to unreasonable stubbornness. I know because I struggled with this over the years. Many of us are a work in progress, I am learning to kill my ego and I think you should too.
When you kill your ego, it opens you up to a new way of understanding the world and people. It's like a new birth, you become humbled in a way you never thought possible. You become a better listener and when you talk you weigh every word before spitting it out. It makes you more considerate of other people's feelings. because you now truly see everyone as an equal. You come to a realization that there is only ONE.
One of us. you lose your inflated identity of self. And boy! it is magical, people become more drawn to you. It's like they really see you as you now can see them beyond the masks we all wear every day. And I don't mean the protective masks against covid-19.
Ego is different from confidence. Confidence can be healthy but ego self-destructs. It is a destroyer of happiness, careers, and relationships. I have a close relative who is so drenched in his ego, that he has managed to alienate every one of his siblings and the sad part is he cannot see beyond his ego. Ego makes you irrational because all you think of is self and wanting to win, without consideration for another's point of view.
When your ego is at play it prevents you from growing because trust me, an egoistic person is more stubborn than a mule. And they never listen to other people or even consider a piece of advice from people who are probably more experienced in a matter.
You lose out on love because you are always waiting for people to come to you, unable to allow yourself to be vulnerable for fear of rejection, which will bruise your overinflated ego. You will miss out on a lot of amazing people in life.
Have you ever met that person who is always critical of every damn thing and will complain about everything? yup, I had an ex like that, and trust me, he was not a happy camper, I always thought his problems, stemmed more from insecurities, he hid behind a mask. But with that attitude, he was never satisfied as he saw everything wrong with the world but himself.
And of course what a stressful life it is for the most egoistic, because everything seems to be a hit at their self-worth, and they are always trying to compensate for it. They think everything is about them, not realizing how insignificant we all are in the scheme of things in the universe.
So, kill your ego, celebrate the death of your ego, if we all aspire to kill our egos the world will be a little easier on us all. Because when you really look at it, All humans are the same and equal and will return to the same place. In the end, we all become topsoil as a popular yogi says. None of us is getting off this world alive, whether you are a billionaire, or have given yourself the title of Royalty. Not even all the degrees from all the Ivy League universities make you better than the next man. You are just another human in this universe and if you research the universe, you will come to a realization that we ain't the center of things. or like a friend says " We ain't shit"
A wise man once said "Egotism is the anesthetic which nature gives us to deaden the pain of being a fool" This man was Dr. Herbert Shofield.
Stephen Hawkings used to say "Remember to look up at the sky, not at your feet," this tells you there is a whole world out there that does not revolve around you. A world bigger than you and I.
"The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. We are so insignificant that I can't believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. That would be like saying that you would disappear if I closed my eyes" he said in a 1995 interview with Ken Campbell on "Reality on the Rocks: Beyond our Ken
If only humans realize our insignificance a tad more, we would lower the ego and see everyone as an equal, another traveler in this part. And frankly, the world will be a better place. So, bury your ego as deep as possible and let a new world germinate. A world you never even imagined.
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. Humility is thinking more of others" -Rick Warren.
Will Smith's disgraceful behavior and assault on Chris Rock at the last Oscars has elements of ego splattered all over it. And is capable of destroying all he has worked hard for most of his life.
Death of the ego promises freedom from the shackles of self-importance. And when I say freedom, true freedom. A freedom that you could never imagine. Freedom ensures happiness.
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