I was tempted to title this piece "Gender Equality is Equal to Feminism" or "Gender Equity is equal to Feminism" I am still considering changing the current title for it, as the days' roll by. The word feminism lights fires in many places and burns down compassion for gender matters. But what advocates of feminism want is for women to have equal opportunities as their male counterparts. A noble aspiration no doubt, but misunderstood by so many.

How can one gender claim to love women, yet feel superior to them or refuse to fight for them to have the same rights in all matters? It boggles the mind yet it is common knowledge that one gender sees itself as superior. 

Males especially in traditional societies will say my posturing is not true and claim no man sees himself as superior to women. But patriarchy in most of our societies will beg to disagree. Why do men still earn more than women doing the same jobs? Even in many developed countries. 

Why are women made to pay more for the same products than men? Yes, you heard right, it's called the "Pink Tax". I stumbled upon an article while doing some research and a New York study chronicled items that women are often charged more for than men. Gender-based pricing disadvantaged women! I took a trip to my local store and noticed the disparity.

  • Personal items, e.g deodorant, razors, toothbrushes
  • Adult clothing
  • Home healthcare
  • Toys and accessories
  • Kid's Clothing
Even prescription medicines that are marketed toward women cost more. Women tend to be charged more for mortgages, car loans, and even dry cleaning services. And if a woman wants to start a business, she gets less funding. Yet, she gets paid less than a man for the same job! And these are all legal in 2022.
Forbes estimates women spend $1.351 more on the same products as men. For instance, a pack of razors for women could cost an average of $8.90 while that for men is $7.99 that's an 11% difference that adds up at the end of the year.

This gender pricing carries on to large items too, for instance, women were sold higher prices when they bought used cars or charged higher if they took their car for servicing. And paid a whopping 3% more on mortgage and paid more for car insurance in 25 states in the United States. Yes, you know that myth about women being bad at driving yet men are more likely to engage in risky driving practices.

If you did not think most of the world's society is patriarchial then you live under a rock. I often wonder if this has always been so, was there ever a time the world leaned toward matriarchy or time men and women were seen as equal and had the same access to opportunities? What is the basis of patriarchy?

When humans were hunters and gatherers, it was common sense for one gender to stay in the safety of the home and take care of the next generation. Physically men are stronger than women, so this makes sense. But the world has evolved and humans do not need physical force to hunt and gather anymore. So why are we still stuck in the past as far as gender roles?

In today's world, gender roles are medieval, archaic, and old-fashioned. Roles should be based on who is better at what as an individual, it could be the male or the female. For this to happen, Women and Men must be seen as equal in all ramifications of the word. Equal but different and these differences should be a compliment.

If this happens, what a dynamic world it would be, there will be better-qualified people in various positions in politics and board rooms based on abilities and not gender. The knotty issue of who is the head of a household would be blown into the abyss and marriages would be more of equal partnership across the board in all cultures and societies.

Little girls everywhere in the world would have the same access to education as little boys, and child brides would be a thing of the past as the young girls would be better educated instead of in premature marriage arrangements. Women will have the same opportunities at jobs and careers as men, without anyone doubting or questioning their abilities because they wear a skirt.

Just thinking about this gives me a high, a look at a better world for all. A world where the opinions of everyone are respected in countries across the world where a woman's opinion is not valued. When you really think about it, the world is doing itself a great disservice in silencing the other half of its population by not advocating for gender equality.

Now, let's look at specifics in countries where gender inequity is rampant. In many parts of Africa, the male is automatically seen as the leader/head in many African cultures, this should mean he is accountable for his actions, but the reverse is the case. He can do as he pleases and no one is allowed to question his authority. Unfortunately, about 80% of these "jokers" have no clue about what it really means to be a leader. Their understanding of a head/leader is authoritarian for the most part.

 And this can be seen across the continent in politics. Whereas the political class which comprises 90% males in many countries is untouchable and forgets that the true quality of a leader is really to serve the people and lead by example. Therefore your wants come after the people you lead have been served. You are accountable to the people and must practice equity across the board, starting with the most vulnerable of the society: The minorities.

So, what do we see in these countries and societies? many of the countries are run aground. High political instability, corruption, economic woes, and poverty of the majority. Countries like Nigeria, Mali, Niger, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, The Gambia, Cameroun, and literally all countries on the African continent.

If you traverse Asia, the same problem occurs in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the list goes on


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