I am treading carefully, as I broach a topic, that is almost  a taboo subject in the western hemisphere
My baby nephew just got circumcised last Wednesday, living in the United Kingdom, he had to wait one month to get a doctor on NHS to perform the procedure.
In Ireland, the wait time is three years. it is obvious in Europe they do not care about male circumcision
In my  West African homeland. It is the way of my ancestors and an ancient tradition.

On the eighth day of the birth of a baby boy, his foreskin is snipped. In some parts of Africa, it is done at puberty during the coming of age or passage of manhood rites.

I make bold to say ALL African males, born on the continent get circumcised, at some point before they become young adults.

Another group of people who circumcise the males are the Jews, it is as ancient as the Jewish tribes.
So pretty much like the rest of Africa, Nigeria to be exact, boys are circumcised on the 8th day of birth.
Europeans, Asians, and Caribbean people, most do not circumcise their male children. It is more common in the United States.
 Estimates by the  World Health Organization  (WHO) suggest that 30 percent of males worldwide are circumcised
Let me state categorically that I am totally against Female circumcision which happens in parts of Africa. In women, it is Genital mutilation, as there are no health benefits to this procedure.

Are there benefits to Male Circumcision?

Yes, there are, and quite some studies to prove there is more good than harm.
1 Many older men, who have bladder or prostate gland problems, also develop difficulties with their foreskins due to their surgeon's handling, cleaning, and using instruments. Some of these patients will need circumcising. Afterward, it is often astonishing to find some who have never ever seen their glans (knob) exposed before!

2 Some older men develop cancer of the penis - about 1 in 1000 - fairly rare, but tragic if you or your son are in that small statistic. Infant circumcision gives almost 100% protection, and young adult circumcision also gives a large degree of protection.

3 Cancer of the cervix in women is due to the Human Papilloma Virus. It thrives under and on the foreskin from where it can be transmitted during intercourse. An article in the British Medical Journal in April 2002 suggested that at least 20% of cancer of the cervix would be avoided if all men were circumcised. Surely that alone makes it worth doing?

4 Protection against HIV and AIDS. Another British Medical Journal article in May 2000 suggested that circumcised men are 8 times less likely to contract the HIV virus. (It is very important here to say that the risk is still far too high and that condoms and safe sex must be used - this applies also to preventing cancer of the cervix in women who have several partners.)
So it is might be worthwhile if most men got circumcised

5 As with HIV, some protection exists against other sexually transmitted infections. Accordingly, if a condom splits or comes off, there is some protection for the couple. However, the only safe sex is to stick to one partner or abstain.

6 Lots of men, and their partners, prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision, It is odor-free, it feels cleaner, and they enjoy better sex. Awareness of a good body image is a very important factor in building self-confidence.

7 Balanitis is an unpleasant, often recurring, inflammation of the glans. It is quite common and can be prevented by circumcision.

8 Urinary tract infections sometimes occur in babies and can be quite serious. Circumcision in infancy makes it 10 times less likely.


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