The Nigeria you do not Often See in Western Media

I am on a mission to show the world, Nigeria, the Western Media does not often show you.
Come with me, to meet people and Places from this West African Nation of approx. 160 million people and counting.
Nigeria has over 240 ethnic groups and languages.  The three largest and most influential ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba 

The most educated on the African continent. Do you know that 80% of Black Medical doctors in the United Kingdom are Nigerians?
Do you know that 90% of Black Optometrists in Trinidad and Tobago are Nigerians?

Do you know that Of all foreign-born U.S. residents, foreign-born Africans (those who came from the African continent) had a higher level of educational attainment than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States? They tend to be highly educated and be fluent in English. This trend was first reported in the 1990s' by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education and still continues today.  According to the U.S census, "43.8 percent of African immigrants had achieved a college degree, compared with 42.5 of Asian-Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole." The educational attainment amount varies by group. According to the U.S. Census, out of the African populations, Nigerians reported to having the highest level of education in the U.S Nigerian immigrants have the highest levels of education in this city and the nation, surpassing whites and Asian






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