Can You Predict Personality Traits From The Blood Type

What is a blood type, also known as Blood group some might ask?  and you don't have to be my grandmother (bless her soul) to inquire.
In many parts of the world  (developing countries especially), many do not know what it is, or what blood type they have.
 I make bold to say even among the educated in many parts of Africa.

So you can imagine the state of Blood banks in these countries or the frustration of healthcare workers during a Blood donation drive. Why is this so, the fact is Africans are generally very superstitious, often never planning for the unexpected. if a major ailment happens,  it is blamed on the "enemy" who has placed a "juju" on them, or the witches and wizards.

 Not forgetting the big bad wolf -Satan. The irony is that Satan seems to have comfortably taken residence in Africa despite  millions of Religious houses (my tongue is firmly planted in my right cheek!)  That should tell us, that something is not right!
Yes, Africans are superstitious like that, often afraid to take responsibility for themselves, handing over their fate to some imaginary benevolent being, that is why Religion thrives in Africa.
Sub-Continent Indians though, take the Gold medal in Superstition, you need to read about some of the stuff that goes on there.
In Africa, anything to do with human blood is sacred!  And people would rather let it be. 

The ignorance is astounding and I believe Governments are not doing enough to educate everyone.  Our blood type is very important information, everyone should know it,  just like we know our names.
My grandmother did not know hers, fortunately, she never had any health scare that needed an emergency blood transfusion.

Some religions do not approve of blood transfusion or organ donation for that matter, that is a story for another day.
I thought, I would revisit my biology 101 classes and see how much I remember, besides giving reign to thoughts, that have plagued me lately,  "how much can we tell about a person, from their blood type".

After the discovery of the four blood group types in the early  20th century;  A, B, AB, O. More details of the blood and its composition have become known in Science, as further blood group systems have been revealed 
 A total of 30 human blood group systems are now recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT).

We now know that there is a  connection between blood groups and diseases, and why some blood groups are more susceptible to a particular disease than another.
People from blood groups A, B, and AB are more at risk of heart disease than those with the more common blood type O.

Those with the rarest blood group, AB, are the most vulnerable - they are 23% more likely to suffer from heart disease than those with blood group O.

We all know Astrology and horoscope reading are very popular, and some will swear by them. Although a true scientist may call it Hocum! 

Can you really tell a person's personality by reading how the stars align on the day they made entry into the world? It is surely just a small part of the story, like using a piece of a broken mirror to look at one's face. It does not reflect the whole picture. 

You would think something as essential as one's blood type should tell more, after all the Blood sustains human life,  some schools of thought have theorized that the Spirit forms the human blood, which in layman's terms would mean that you are the radiation of your physical blood.

This I believe is more scientific and can provide better answers.
Permit my scientist side to rant a little about the Science of Blood types for a minute.

A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins, or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system. 

Some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens can stem from one allele (or very closely linked genes) and collectively form a blood group system. Blood types are inherited and represent contributions from both parents.

In Japan, Blood type is a big deal,  it's widely believed that blood groups predict personality traits - from temperament to compatibility, to what kind of lover you are, to what type of foods you should be eating.
The idea first came about in the 1920s and is still publicly used today - who could forget Japan's minister Ryu Matsumoto blaming his blood type on his abrasive behavior?

According to  Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type, "Your blood is the key to unlocking the secrets to your biochemical individuality."

I stumbled upon a website, that says it can tell your personality by your blood group. I keyed in my blood group to see how close to being right this might be. Well, I was not so impressed.
As research continues and there will be more refinement in the differences in the blood groups,  the assumption that every individual has his own blood formula, which reflects his own particular nature could be valid. Hence one day blood can serve as an identity card, just like our fingerprints.
Perhaps then, with a personal blood formula, We can accurately tell one's personality from their Blood formula. That certainly will make life a lot easier, you can choose marriage partners better, employees, employers, and heck! friends too.

Blood Type: A- The Perfectionist

Positive qualities: Reserved, Patient, Sensitive, Responsible, and Punctual.

Negative qualities: Obsessive, Stubborn, Conservative, and Tense.

Compatibility: A is most compatible with blood types A and AB.

Famous people with the same blood type: George H. W. Bush, O.J. Simpson, Britney Spears, Alan Alda, Adolf Hitler, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon.

Blood Type: B- The Individualist

Positive qualities: Creative, Passionate, Strong, Animal loving, Optimistic, and Flexible.

Negative qualities: Wild, Unsociable, Critical, Indecisive, Unpredictable, and Unforgiving.

Compatibility: B is most compatible with blood types B and AB.

Famous people with the same blood type: Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow, Paul McCartney, and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Blood Type: AB- The Rationalist

Positive qualities: Popular, Sociable, Cool, and Controlled.

Negative qualities: Forgetful, Critical, Indecisive, Irresponsible, and Self-centered.

Compatibility: AB is compatible with all other blood types. (A, B, AB, and O)

Famous people with the same blood type: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan.

Blood Type: O- The Natural Leader

Positive qualities: Ambitious, Trendsetter, Independent, Loyal, Athletic, Robust, Passionate, and Self-confident.

Negative qualities: Arrogant, Vain, Jealous, Insensitive, and Ruthless.

Compatibility:O is most compatible with blood types AB and O.

Famous people with the same blood type: Ronald Reagan, Queen Elizabeth II, John Lennon, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Gerald Ford, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Al Capone.


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