Why women Need To Rule The world

"Give men their gadgets and inventions, let women run the world".
---Buck Minister Fuller

 Men make a terrible job in ruling the world creating a world of conflict, violence, hatred, and widespread poverty. If men are so bad at ruling our world why not have women rule instead? We all would be better off if we were ruled by matriarchal governments.
 "Western women can come to the rescue of the world," said Dalai Lama “Some people may call me a feminist....But we need more effort to promote basic human values -- human compassion, human affection. And in that respect, females have more sensitivity for others' pain and suffering.” Dalia Lama center
“The world would be a peaceful place if it were ruled by women.”
“Women were by nature more inclined towards compassion, whereas men tend to feel they have to be “macho”.
“You are basically life-giving, life-affirming. That is what you are naturally when you are unspoiled… Women can actually make society civil.”

“Actually it is very straightforward: let women take over.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Billionaire Ted Turner (ex-husband of Jane Fonda), also said, "I've said for years and I'm really serious about it, I think men should be barred from holding public office for a hundred years. They have been running the world for the last thousands of years and they've mucked it up something awful.' I built my business surrounding myself with women. I find women more superior to men in business-"

 "World ruled by women would be a better place," says author Martin Amis,"“I have a dream. I see a day when politics is feminized, where female values move into the public sphere in a way they haven't quite done yet,” Telegraph Newspaper

 Film director Michael Winner recently said in a newspaper article. "Men are ridiculous. Women are far better people. Much wiser (not difficult) and with a temperament to deal with life's complexities and men's abrasiveness... So I think it's about time women took over. What they have to put up with is beyond belief. Pathetic, bullying men who throw their weight about (and there's usually a lot of it) in a vain attempt to prove they're superior when, in truth, they know they're not." Daily Mail Newspaper


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