Who Is Rick Ro$$ ? aka Ricky Rozay

Rap Music and Rap culture is not really my scene, although if you pay attention to the music industry, you gotta have heard about rap and its Queens, Kings, Princesses, and Princes.
So I know about Jay- Z aka "HOV", P-diddy, 50 cents, Kanye, Missy Elliot, Little Kim, Ludacris, and lately Nicki Minaj, okay I just rattled those names off the bat, I am pretty sure there are a couple of others that I know but cannot remember right now.

The fact is it is a genre of music very popular with young people, sometimes I wonder why? it is a little too noisy for me and the expletives used in the lyrics, make me shudder but that's me.
So when this past month I saw a post on Facebook that a certain Rick Ross an American Rapper was performing in Lagos, Nigeria. I did not pay much attention.

The first thought that crossed my mind was perhaps this will draw some attention to the tourism opportunities in Lagos.
Some have argued that this is not the type of culture we want to import or encourage our young people to emulate. Well, that ship has sailed, the world is a global village now. Young people will get what they want, and trend with their peers in the rest of the world. I was surprised to find there are a  couple of Rap groups in Iran, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon. This is the world we live in now.

As a teenager, we used to have American music stars come to perform at the National theater. I never missed the opportunity to go see my favorite bands. I remember Shalamar, Sky, Evelyn King, Kool, and the Gang, the whispers perform in Lagos. okay, so you have figured my generation by now. To me, the 1980s and 1990s were when the best music was made! but that was the music of our time.

Back to the subject of Rick Ross,  these past few days, there has been a lot of furor and criticisms on social media by Nigerians on a music video made by the Rapper about Nigeria and some Nigerians feel insulted by it.
I watched the video and I beg to differ.

Here is my opinion on it, Rick Ross brings the plight of the ordinary Nigerian to the international light, not something people do not know, but he has put the focus on 3D if you get my drift.
That Nigeria is a country rich in Natural and Human resources is an open secret, yet the majority of her 160 million population live in squalor.  Cursed with visionless and corrupt Rulers, note I said Rulers and not leaders. My homeland is like a rudderless ship.

 Joseph de Maistreit said every country gets the government it deserves so perhaps we have the government we deserve,  the public outcry and outrage at the level of corruption are not enough, or we have not put words to action to elect a government that would put the welfare of the majority of the population at the heart of its policies.

I googled to learn more about Rick Ross and his antecedents. He was actually a former correctional officer ( how a correctional officer ended up as a Rap artiste, who are often former gangsters beats me)
I think our own Fela Kuti who spent most of his life opposing the government and pleading the cause of the poor masses in Nigeria would be very proud of Rick Ross's video on Nigeria, except for the expletives!

Nigerians are constantly debating on the failures of the Government to provide basic social amenities to all and sundry. A society of a few very rich who live in opulence while the majority barely get by.
So why are the same people who constantly criticize their government not elated at this new opportunity to showcase the plight of the masses to the world?

The answer is blowing in the wind of false pride and self-deceit, they do not want the visitor to show our slums and ghettoes where the majority of our population live to the world.
Or they are too obtuse to appreciate the message encased in unsophisticated exterior wrappings of the gift

A system where the rich is getting richer, while the poor is getting poorer and the middle class is almost nonexistent.
Rick Ross calls on the System not to hold back the youth, the people,  as there is so much plenty in the land.
Rick Ro$$, I just found out who you are, and I approve this message.


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