'Those who do not learn history, are doomed to repeat it"- George Santayana

We often avoid talking about Politics, to our detriment, because our lives are governed and controlled by politics. Except you live in an autocracy, even that has elements of politics you cannot deny. So sitting on the fence when politics is involved should never be encouraged. Children from an early age should be taught the history of their homelands and the politics that have controlled them. Because one day, they will be at the helm of affairs

June 12 is a significant day in Nigeria's quest for a democratic government, after a Military dictatorship of over 26 years. Nigeria's independence from colonial Britain in 1960 was a blessing and a curse. It became a Republic in 1963. A Westminister-style democratic government lasted from 1963 to 1966 When it succumbed to military rule after a bloody coup d'etat.

Violent unrest in many parts of the country especially North of the river in which there were deaths of mostly Southerners started a separatist movement. The country was embroiled in a civil war for 3 years. Nigeria's Second Republic started again after a new constitution was written and adopted on October 1, 1979.

The Second Republic only lasted 4 years, 1979-1983. In December 1983  and there was yet again another Military coup. And Military rule lasted for 9 years

On June 12, 1992, there was a free and fair election to return Nigeria to a democratic government. That third Republic was short-lived, 1992-1993. Military rule returned. The people were groaning under the abuse of human rights and poor economic choices, corruption was the order of the day, and Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, and rich in human and natural resources could barely feed its people and many were living on less than a $1 a day. The middle class was quickly being wiped out. 

In 1998, a 4th republic started and today Nigeria has seen a succession of inept and incompetent leaders who have struggled to manage the affairs of this great nation. Although bequeathed with talented individuals, the Nigerian nation has been unable to elect competent leadership, because its politics is often fraught with tribalism and religious bigotry.

If Nigerians can only put aside their religious and tribal sentiments and elect a leader who is qualified and competent, Nigeria will be one of the superpowers in the world. Next year, 2023 another round of elections come around, and already at the forefront are men who have squandered and misled or are too frail in their health to lead this great nation out of the many troubles of insecurity, poverty, corruption, nepotism it has been plunged into.

And this is where the Nigerian youths come in, they have suffered most from the incompetence of past leaders. The universities are constantly not in session as the overworked and underpaid teachers are on strike. Last year the youths took matters into their hands and started a revolution to end police brutality with the END SARS PROTESTS #Endsars which was heard around the world. Now is their opportunity yet again to take matters into their hands and shun corrupt politics and stand together in one voice and elect competent leaders to pull Nigeria from the doldrums.

As we celebrate June 12, today, let all Nigerians register and get their PVC to vote in the 2023 elections for a better future for our beloved country. Nigerians must protect their democracy at all costs. And prevent it from becoming a sham. Even countries like the United States that have had over 200 years of democracy suffered an insurrection on January 6th, 2021.

The youths are the future. We live in a modern world. It is time to give the young people a chance and stop the recycling of out-of-touch politicians who are so corrupt and only believe in money politics. Nigerians must shun money politics and look at the bigger picture. Vote for competence. 

The time for a paradigm shift in Nigerian Politics is now. A political landscape devoid of Tribalism, Bigotry, Religion, Nepotism, and corruption. A people-centered politics, a politics where politicians know that they are the servants of the people and not Gods.


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