Ngozichi at Goodmans Bay, Nassau, Bahamas 2019


"My culture refused to evolve, so, I outgrew it and left it in the old dusty passages. And never looked back." -Ngozichi Omekara


I ran away

From the pressures

The culture put on me

The demands and expectations

Of Ada

I want none of it

So I ran away

To be free

And be me

In my full expressions


Did you not know

That I turned them all down


I will not be your model

of traditions that refuse to evolve

So, I ran away

I don't want any of that

To be the showpiece

of your ego



Call me  the

Runaway bride

Of the culture


And any other names

you dream up

This was no way

To live my life.

tethered to an old world

I ran away

because I outgrew a culture

that refused to evolve

Now in freedom

Away from the mountain

of all your expectations

I can be myself


Accountable to me

And the universe

And build a new culture



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